Thursday, October 24, 2013

Dr. Scholl's® Active Series®

Well, I've run with these insoles a few times now.  I desperately need new shoes, so I think this was a good time to test Dr. Scholl's® Active Series®.  I really did notice a difference.  There was very little pain while I ran and no pain afterward.  I'm excited to get my new shoes and see if they make a bigger difference.  I will also be interested to see how long the insoles hold up.  I am a supinator and my shoes see the effects of wear and tear rather quickly.  

If you have running issues, I would suggest trying these insoles.  Of course, you absolutely have to be professionally fitted for shoes...there just isn't a substitute for that.  But, if you feel like you could use  a little more cushioning, these may help!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I need a Stitch Fix!

Do you ever feel like you are in a style rut?  If not, you are pretty darn lucky!  I, for one, LOVE fashion.  I love a funky style but don't get to sport one very often (being a teacher in Central Wisconsin leaves me feeling a bit limited).  Enter...Stitch Fix.  This is a mail order fashion site similar to monthly mail programs like Birchbox, Naturebox, and Ipsy.  You fill out your profile and they send you a box with 5 new fashion pieces!  Fun, right?  You pay $20 for the stylist to select your pieces, once you receive them you try them on, send what you don't want back in the prepaid return package and keep what you love!  You don't have to get a shipment each month, which is great for my budget.

Wanna give it a whirl?  Click on the link and get started!

Try Stitch Fix

After I get my first "fix", I will be sure to post a review.  Also, stay tuned for my Dr. Scholl's review!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Look What I Got!

I'm so excited that I have been chosen by Influenster to test these babies!  Running is a great way for me to release steam, relieve stress and burn some calories.  Unfortunately, I suffer from INSANE shin splints. Seriously, their worst, I can't even shave my legs without pain.  I've been professionally fitted for shoes and wear rock tape.  Both have helped immensely but I still have pain.  

Stay tuned for my review.  I'm really hoping these make a difference for me!