Monday, March 25, 2013

What's Cookin'?

My nutrition coach gave me some great, healthy recipes to try before our next meeting.  I don't love cooking.  I enjoy baking but cooking seems like so much more work to me.  So the next few days I am making recipes  based on a roasted chicken.  I make the chicken (or buy a rotisserie chicken) on Sunday and make meals with the leftovers for the next few days.  Here's what I made tonight:

This homemade Chicken Fried Rice was good and my kids ate it, which is half the battle.  It took about 20 minutes to make, which is the other half of the battle!  Tomorrow night will be Chicken Fajitas.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Welcome Spring...sort of

Today is the first day of spring!  At school we celebrated with...wait for it...INDOOR RECESS!  With the windchill it was below zero for the entire day.  Doesn't feel a whole lot like spring!  In the frozen tundra that is Wisconsin, we expect the unexpected when it comes to weather, but, COME ON!  Mama needs some Vitamin D.  Unfortunately, it isn't looking like Mother Nature is going to cooperate for another couple of weeks.  Let's hope she changes her mind.

Today I took a HIIT class at the gym with my trainer.  Holy Moly, I will be hurting tomorrow.  Yesterday I "lifted heavy" (lifting with good form until failure - basically you can't possibly lift that stinkin' weight again).  I have been told that this is the key to significant fat loss, but it stinks!  I was already sore walking into the gym today so tomorrow should be interesting!

This weekend I need to take my measurements and see if any progress has been made.  Yuck, I am not really looking forward to it.  I know that the scale hasn't changed much but I also know it is important not to use the scale as your only measure of success/failure.  How do you measure success with regard to fitness?

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hello...It's been awhile...

I have been working on my goals  I promise!  I have started running again in hopes of running a 5K in September in under 30 minutes.  The biggest challenge for me with running is that I get terrible shin splints (seriously, it hurts to shave).  I think I have gotten them under control with good, professionally fitted shoes and Rock Tape (  I am also weight training twice a week with my personal trainer, Jen.  She keeps me accountable and doesn't put up with my excuses!

I still struggle with getting enough sleep.  I seem to get my second wind around 10pm.  I know I need to reset my internal clock but I am not exactly sure how to do that...

My next goal is to get my nutrition under control. No more packaged foods, a lot less sugar and a lot more fruits and veggies!  I am working with a nutrition coach who will help me with meal planning and recipes.  Not only will this be a challenge for me but it will be an adjustment for my kids, too!  I have a feeling that I will be met with some resistance.  The goal is to crowd out the junk with yummy, healthy alternatives.  I will keep you posted!

On another note, I want to give a shout out to my bestie.  She is also starting a blog and I guarantee it will be filled with lots of fun things.  Check her out at

Have a great week!