Saturday, August 30, 2014

Heading Back to School

Excitement and butterflies!  I feel like a student myself this time of year.  I love school supply shopping, finding the perfect first day of school outfit and getting my own classroom ready for my new third graders.  I am always amazed at the transformation my classroom goes through each year.  Here's a pic right after I pulled everything off of my shelves to purge and reorganize...
Scary, I know!  I always have to remind myself that it gets worse before it gets better!  But, there is also this one...
Oh, and this...

Yikes!  Take note of the red, yellow and blue bins...I did a fun and easy project with them that I will share in a bit.

I had decided this summer to get rid of the majority of my paper files.  I have an external hard drive and most of my activities, ideas, etc. are digital, so no real need to keep the paper versions. And, if I am being honest, I get bored pretty easily and change most of my lessons up from year to year. I am always searching for new, fun ideas so anything that I haven't used over the past couple of years went in the recycling bin...and it felt AWESOME!  I also had a little, free rummage sale for the other teachers in my building.  They could take whatever they wanted and I was happy to part with all of it!

Free for the taking!

I spent A LOT of time in my room before teachers were contracted to be back (not sure any teachers actually just show up on the first contracted day..  .there is just too much to do).  I think I spent about 30 hours or so over the 4 days prior to the first teacher day but it is so worth it.  I know it will make the first few days of school go much more smoothly!

Here are some of my "in progress" pics:
I can see the floor!
Library area with newly painted shelves

Guided reading table and "I Can" board

Believe it or not everything was in its place by the time we had our Open House...

Guided Math Stations and text storage
Indoor recess games and extra supply storage

Classroom Library (the kids will organize this
 during the first week of school)
And...the final product.  This is what the room will
 look like when the kids enter on Tuesday!

Oh, yeah, remember those bins?  Look what I did with Rustoleum paint for plastic and some Dollar Tree chalkboard labels...

Here's to another great school year!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Dr. Scholl's® Active Series®

Well, I've run with these insoles a few times now.  I desperately need new shoes, so I think this was a good time to test Dr. Scholl's® Active Series®.  I really did notice a difference.  There was very little pain while I ran and no pain afterward.  I'm excited to get my new shoes and see if they make a bigger difference.  I will also be interested to see how long the insoles hold up.  I am a supinator and my shoes see the effects of wear and tear rather quickly.  

If you have running issues, I would suggest trying these insoles.  Of course, you absolutely have to be professionally fitted for shoes...there just isn't a substitute for that.  But, if you feel like you could use  a little more cushioning, these may help!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I need a Stitch Fix!

Do you ever feel like you are in a style rut?  If not, you are pretty darn lucky!  I, for one, LOVE fashion.  I love a funky style but don't get to sport one very often (being a teacher in Central Wisconsin leaves me feeling a bit limited).  Enter...Stitch Fix.  This is a mail order fashion site similar to monthly mail programs like Birchbox, Naturebox, and Ipsy.  You fill out your profile and they send you a box with 5 new fashion pieces!  Fun, right?  You pay $20 for the stylist to select your pieces, once you receive them you try them on, send what you don't want back in the prepaid return package and keep what you love!  You don't have to get a shipment each month, which is great for my budget.

Wanna give it a whirl?  Click on the link and get started!

Try Stitch Fix

After I get my first "fix", I will be sure to post a review.  Also, stay tuned for my Dr. Scholl's review!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Look What I Got!

I'm so excited that I have been chosen by Influenster to test these babies!  Running is a great way for me to release steam, relieve stress and burn some calories.  Unfortunately, I suffer from INSANE shin splints. Seriously, their worst, I can't even shave my legs without pain.  I've been professionally fitted for shoes and wear rock tape.  Both have helped immensely but I still have pain.  

Stay tuned for my review.  I'm really hoping these make a difference for me!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Well, well, well...fancy meeting you here!

It has been too long, I know!  Life has been crazy and I am just trying to keep up!  I've recently moved and have to move again in about a month.  The kids and I are living out of boxes all while finishing up the school year and getting ready for our trip to Disney!

During the week of the first move I definitely had a tough time making room for exercise.  I am back on track now.  I have personal training on Tuesdays (will add another day after school is out) and running or doing a workout DVD 4 times a week.  Home cooking is back, as well!  I'm surprised that I am actually enjoying trying out new recipes!

One of the great things about this move (moves) is that I've realized that my kids and I have way too much stuff.  So I have been spending my "free time" going through things and sorting into donate/sell/garbage piles. So far I've thrown away 4 garbage bags full of stuff, sold 2 boxes of things at a consignment shop and donated a large box and 3 paper grocery bags full of stuff.  It feels great to simplify but it's been a challenge as well.  My kids want to keep EVERYTHING!  How do I convince them that they don't need to keep the rattle they had when they were 6 months old?  Do you have any tips and tricks for making de-cluttering less stressful?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sausage and Kale Ragu, it's what's for dinner

This one I had to try when the kids were with their dad.  I wasn't sure that they would like it and I knew as soon as they saw all of that GREEN they would be anti-Sausage and Kale Ragu!  It was good, I followed the recipe exactly and would probably add a bit more spice next time.  I'm still not sure that my kids would eat it but it sure does look pretty!

I've had 3 great days of workouts.  I can't believe how good I feel after a good workout. My mood is improved and I have a more positive outlook overall.  Also, I truly love being sore the next day.  It is such a feeling of accomplishment (even when I can hardly walk up the stairs)!

I am off to bed for a little reading.  Is there anything better than reading a book you can't put down?  What are you reading right now?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Keep On Keepin' On

I knew this past weekend would not be my healthiest.  I knew that I was not going to spend Easter weekend counting calories and working out for hours at the gym, and I didn't.  My parents came up for the weekend and stayed at a hotel. The kids and I spent the weekend hanging out with family and swimming at the hotel pool.  After way too much candy, I did put in Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 for a short workout.  It is time to get back on track!  Here is my workout schedule for the week (I've found writing it down holds me accountable):

Monday: Rest
Tuesday:  Weightlifting w/my trainer
Wednesday: HIIT
Thursday: Weightlifting w/my trainer, run
Friday: Run
Saturday: Run
Sunday: Ripped in 30

Since I share custody with my ex-husband, my workout schedules are kind of goofy.  I work out at the gym almost every day during the weekends I don't have kids because it is harder to fit it in when I do have the kiddos.  This is what my "Yay, I have the kids" workout weeks look like:

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Weightlifting w/my trainer
Wednesday: HIIT
Thursday: Weightlifting w/my trainer, run (sometimes I have classes for work on Thursday so if I can't make it to the gym to weight train, I go after my class and get on the treadmill for 40 minutes or so)
Friday: Run or Ripped in 30
Saturday: Ripped in 30
Sunday: Ripped in 30

I truly believe that working out needs to become habit.  I have to work out A LOT or I just won't.  I have heard trainers say, "don't ever go 3 days without working out", I believe this is so true.  It is easier for me to keep going if I am consistent and it is easier for me to quit if I miss several days.  I feel like the exercise piece has become habit for me but I also know that it won't be hard to slip right out of that habit!

The hardest part for me is DIET/NUTRITION!  I am still working at this everyday.  The recipes that I have been trying have been really fun to make (NEVER thought I would say that), which helps.  My kids are loving them, too, which is great!  Stay tuned for more yummy food pics!

On a totally unrelated note, one of my hobbies is digital scrapbooking.  How do you preserve your family's memories?  Get ready for lots of my digital pages to be posted here.  I would encourage everyone to take lots of pics and DO SOMETHING WITH THEM!  Don't let them sit on your camera, computer, or on a C.D.  Put them in albums.  I find digital scrapbooking to be the easiest way to record all of those memories because you can upload your pics right into your scrapbooking program (I use Creative Memories SBC 4, and love it).  Here are some recent pages: